(10.02.2020, 14:04)Andre schrieb: Well, as I remember the problem is, that PDC is not on, until it will be startet (manually or by reverse gear). When it's on, the app will switch to PDC screen or show the popup (if there is anything to show). But in "off" status the PDC do not work, meassure distances etc. There is no "standby" or something.
And if I think of generally activating the PDC at speed lower e.g. 5km/h .. it will be on at each crossing. I do not know if this was nice? 
Yes, its an "intermediate" solution. Almost perfect I must say.
I think we should approach this problem dividing into 2 separate issues:
1 - Activation of PDC module: (if module don't make it by itself)
Manual cars: Between 1km/h (as soon as it detects forward motion) ~ 15 km/h
Automatic: If speed is bellow 15km/h when in D or fall bellow 15km/h
-> The thing is that I can't confirm today if just by rolling at slow speed the front ones become enable or do we need to make a Reverse engaged first to have that 30 seconds activation on the front...... waiting for the module to arrive..... to have some results.....
If it activates itself bellow 30kmh (no reverse) we have the turning PDC on/off sorted out.......

If not we need to simulate via IBUS the press of PDC activation button..... thus making the car thinking that we have turned them On manually as per the BMW manual. (see bellow BMW E39/E60 Car User manual, PDC operation segment )
Conditions for switching on and off PDC is switched on under the following conditions:
- PDC button pressed (PDC switched on manually)
- Reverse gear engaged (PDC switched on automatically)
PDC is switched off under the following conditions:
- PDC button pressed (PDC switched off manually)
- Ignition switched off (PDC switched off automatically
- After driving approx. 50 meters
- After exceeding a speed of 30 km/h
This part im abording only the pure PDC part, the camera issue is aborded bellow:
2- Activation of the front camera:
If the PDC module activation by speed is possible then we should be able to use the sensor measured values to trigger/or not the front camera.
I think the lower threshold of 1kmh is good for the owners of manual trans cars because they don't have the D(or any forward switch to indicate forward motion) and 15kmh seems a bit high to park but is just an idea.
Another OEM function is that even in D and slower speeds then 30Km/h if we move more than 50 meters it will automatically disengage, so we need to take account for the speed and the distance we move...
Let us image some traffic situation or better heavy traffic, we bellow the upper 30km/h threshold but it is not difficult to drive 3-4 km in 10km/h situations...

So the first 50mts we have PDC but after we have to engage it again.....
If: Speed < 30km/h & distance is almost 50.1 mt then "emulate" PDC button press to enable further 50mt......
I know it seems odd..... and was just an idea......
Hope it gives you some inspiration to solve this
PDC manual